Microneedling Treatments

Treatments with a Dermaroller

Hyaluron Pure




In the Hyaluron Pur facial treatment, the high-dose hyaluron is worked deep into the lower skin layer using the dermaroller. The positive properties of hyaluronic acid (plumping, smoothing, moisturizing) are immediately visible after just one treatment.






Anti-Age De Luxe




In the De Luxe Anti-Age facial treatment, as in the Hyaluron Pur treatment, the high-dose hyaluron is incorporated with the dermaroller. In addition, a second serum with azelaic acid,(which helps with spots of all kinds, hyperpigmentation, sun-damaged skin, enlarged pores and redness) is smuggled into the lower skin layer with the dermaroller.

Luxus treatment




As the name suggests, all in one treatment. The skin gone to be cleaned out, the brows corrected, three active ingredient concentrates (hyaluronic acid, azelaic acid, vitamin C  or rosaccea ampoule) are smuggled into the lower skin layer with the dermaroller, there is a smoothing mask and an relaxing Facemassage.



Treatment with Dermapen

Full Face cosmetical Microneedling


1h15 min                        180 CHF


The face, neck and décolleté are perforated over a large area with  finest needles. As a result, the skin is able to absorb a thousand times more than with traditional treatments.

By using high-dose hyaluronic acid, the skin is significantly plumped up, pores are refined and the skin is sustainably regenerated. Ideally suited for fine wrinkles, superficial scars and large-pored skin.

Short downtime



Intensiv Microneedling


Fine needles are selectively  ( wrinkles and deep scars ) and full face treated with the help of the electric handpiece. 


The intensiv Microneedling Treatment takes about 1h45min and cost 280 CHF exklusiv home care products.